








Born 1962 USA


[email protected]


1990-Bachelor of Arts, Fordham University, New York, N.Y.



English; mother language

Italian; spoken, written



2018   “Witness”  Fabrication for Karyn Olivier, University of Kentucky,  Memorial Hall, Lexington, KY

2018    999 Domande, Ilari, 12 January, Triennale, Milan, Italy

2016    Form and NoForm, 6 Oct. , Salomon Arts Gallery, New York, NY

2016    1-3 July 2016 residenza Studi Aperti XII edizione, Ameno, Italy

2016   Collective, ContamiNation, Pau Design Container, Fuori Salone, Milano

2016    5-19 March 2016 Collective, Pillulae In Fieri, Studi Festival, Milan, Italy

2015   Mostra Installazione “No.Body “ Mostrami Factory Spazio Bracco , Milan, Italy

2015    Mostra Bipersonale “No.Body” Atelier Ovunque, Catania, Italy

2015    Mostra Bipersonale “No.Body” Galleria Eroici Furori, Milano, Italy

2015    Mostra Bipersonale “No.Body” Spazio Make Make, Rome Italy

2014   Manifesta 10. Balconism Project, European Biennial, St. Petersburg, Russia

2013    Armory Arts Week, Salomon Arts New York, NY

2012    Armory Arts Week, Salomon Arts New York, NY

2012    With Love From Rome, La Fragilita della Communicazione, Roma, IT

2011    With Deepest Regards, La Fragilita della Communicazione, Milano IT.

2010    JUMP Just Unusual Metropolitan Pop, Cantiere Ex Cinema, Milano, Italy

2010   Miss Me, Salomon Arts Gallery,   New York, NY

2009    Abstraction Representation, Salomon Arts Gallery, New York, NY

2008    Moti Hasson Gallery, HIV Law Project, New York, NY

2007    Silas Marder Gallery , The Big Show Bridgehampton, NY

2003    Spazio Piranesi, Illuminated, Milano, Italy



2015 to present: No.Body Arts- with Ilaria Bochicchio creation of NO.Body A collective that looks to understand and interpretate the essential workings of the human form.

2004-2008: Formation, development, and production of textile designs for Jay C. Lohmann LLC.

1992 to present: “Decoration Factory” Formation of a studio of design, decorative painting and commisioned paintings. Clients include; Bindi, Brembo, Hon. Sara Bune, Mr. Edgar Bronfman, Sig.ri Andrea Buccelatti, Sig.ra Cristina Buccelatti, Isabel Carden MBE, Sig. Mario Consolo, Ms. Diane Colgate, Marina Dimtryev, Mr. and Mrs. Doubleday, Flle. Faravelli, Sig. Maurizio Gucci,   Sig. Giancarlo Galtrucco, Sig.ri Kaiser,   Sig.ra Lamberti, Mauboussin, Martori-Dunlap, Hon, Naomi Marks,     M. Alain Nemarq, Sig.ri Partesi, , Sig.ri Perruzzo, Mr., Mrs. Martin Puris,  Sig. Eros Ramazzotti, Sig.ra Sommariva, Sig.ra Cristina and Santo Versace, Sig.ri Valtolina-Guarnieri, Wolffer-Alexandre, Sig.ri Villa

1991-1994: formation of artistic equipe, “La Grottesca” responsible for client contacts, project definition, and realization of works to be executed. Decoration in “calce”, “a fresco”, restoration, and Trompe L’oeil. Clients include La Contessa De Arcayne, Sig.ra Chichi Meroni, and Sig. Gianni Versace



As part of a continued effort to resolve the external inconsistencies of the world in which I live, I find that my art seeks to answer the questions I am constantly asking myself. Why am I here, and what is my purpose? Where does my passion lie and what has meaning? Most important, what role does art and creativity play in unearthing substantive answers to these inquiries? The only moment when these questions are silenced is when I am creating something — I am at peace when I am lost in the act of creativity.

We live in a superficial, chaotic world that’s increasingly disconnected and where gratification is instantaneous yet fleeting. Nothing real lasts longer than a camera’s flash. My only assurance of something concrete comes from my contact with the creative process and the interpersonal relationships that evolve from this.

Though I know my art will not persist in time, perhaps it may send out an echo of my being that is eternal.